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Dota 2 A Bastion of The MOBA Genre

Publisher: Valve Software
Developer: Valve Software
Release: July 8, 2013
Rating: Not rated
Reviewed on: PC
Also on: Mac

The developers of Dota 2 are somewhat of a titan within the video games industry. After all, the impeccable track record on display speaks volumes and makes for some impressive reading. That said, Valve rightfully secures its place on the world stage, many times over. Besides, it’s hard to dispute that notion, especially once you consider classic titles such as Left 4 Dead, Portal 2 and of course, the heralded Half-life franchise. All of which compliment an extensive repertoire.


With that in mind, it was never in doubt that Dota 2 would be a smash hit. The only question being, when would this reign of dominance permeate the gaming scene?


Despite the likelihood of success, I’m sure that even the dev-team was taken aback by the game’s raucous reception. Amazingly, leap forward in time, and Dota 2 holds the accolade of being the most played title on Steam. That’s quite an accomplishment, what with the emergence of popular MMO’s competing for the top spot. So then, what’s all the fuss about? Why are millions of players returning to this MOBA epic with each day that passes? Well, stick around, and you’ll find out why the hype is off the scales.

Firstly, the sheer fact that this game is free to play acts as a sumptuous sweetener to some. Not only that but the core model of the game prioritizes organic mechanics and user-friendly, in-game systems over financial motives and incentivized micro-transactions.


What’s more, it’s refreshing to see a game take this course of action without feeling the need to monetize. Let’s hope it maintains that sense of decency. Something that’s been plaguing the scene for some time now. Primarily, Dota 2 focuses on player experience above all else. Thankfully, this deviation from corporate agendas puts them one place ahead of the herd.

Initially, Dota2 bullies the gamer into submission. Albeit, through a host of tedious tutorials. Not helped of course, by the legions of hard-hearted hostiles waiting to pounce on any newbie fresh on the scene. Resist the grueling torture at the offset, however, and Dota 2 soon flourishes. The result of which is a tense, team-based affair that conjures high-stakes scenarios at every turn.


What makes this game soar high above others of the genre, is the depth of features it actively promotes. Notwithstanding the seemingly infinite amount of content to savor. Even more impressive, when the game asks you to shed not a single coin. Likewise, right from the start players can select from a combined total of one-hundred playable characters. All of which are free to use from day one. On that note, the only items attainable via the online store are cosmetic perks and objects of lesser significance. Both of which have zero impact on the game itself.

Dota 2 A Bastion of The MOBA Genre

Perhaps the highest compliment that you can give Dota 2 is that there’s no paid- asset flip here. Just a non-lucrative business model which offers no in-game advantage and encourages a level playing field for all. Hats off to you Valve.

Credit to Dota 2 Meta

Casual gamers may be put off by elements of complexity. Not least concerning character selection, overall design and undulating difficulty spikes which can halt progression from time to time. Equally, there is a never-ending manifesto of abilities to learn and tactics to deploy. At times, it’s only natural to feel deflated by all the elitist mumbo-jumbo. All in all, the games codex is the toughest nut to crack, but the rewards are plentiful, should you do so.


That said, those that stick with it, namely genre veterans, will feel right at home. However, break through this ocean of uncertainty, and a playground of possibilities open to the player. Suddenly, all those complex systems become a multi-faceted interface beneficial to the player.

Above all else, there is a natural balance and fluidity to the gameplay. Hence, battles never feel one-sided or restricted in any way. At the same time, this is down to the fact that each hero grants unique powers. Meaning, every attack has the potential to inflict mass damage. On the other side, just as plausible, is the threat of the enemy and the abilities they deploy.


Without the inclusion of buyable upgrades, players can enjoy a sin-free experience. As a result, this newly garnered sense of purity enables those to invest in the game more fully. In doing so, learning the ropes and mastering the controls becomes a minor chore, even less of a grind, and the community spirit thrives as a consequence. I hope that other MOBA games can learn from this shining example, and not turn to the dark side of monetization.


What are your impressions of Dota 2 as a MOBA? Are microtransactions a force for good or a done deal with the devil? Please let us know below. Your thoughts matter to us.

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