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Epic Games

Fortnite: Epic Games Sheds Light on World Cup

Fortnite is a global phenomenon, both omnipotent and all-encompassing. With that in mind, is it any wonder the Fortnite World Cup has gained notoriety within the Esports calendar of late. Recently, Epic Games leaked details about the competition and the handsome jackpot up for grabs. Time to get practicing and brush up on those "BR" skills.…

Epic Games & Steam Go Head-To-Head

For years now, Steam has acted as the leading game distribution site in the marketplace. What's more, the long-running service has been a go-to gadget for PC gamers across the globe. That said, its position at the top has remained virtually unchallenged. That is, until now. From this day forth, there's a new kid on the block, and its appearance has…

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